
Apr 20 , 2019 | By: admin
Keywords: chemicals, chemotherapy, disease & medicine, Foundations, history, history of science war

From Chemical Weapon to Chemotherapy, 1917-1946

 Mustard gas, which derives its name from its yellowish-brown hue and pungent smell, was already known to blister skin and mucus membranes, irritate eyes, and

Apr 20 , 2019 | By: admin

Could a Vaccine Prevent Colorectal Cancer in People with Lynch Syndrome?

Researchers have taken the first steps toward developing a vaccine to prevent cancer in people with Lynch syndrome, an inherited condition that elevates a person�s

Apr 20 , 2019 | By: admin
Keywords: cancercancer, immunotherapy, CD4+ T cells.checkpoint

Tuberculosis Can Emerge After Cancer Immunotherapy

In December 2012, an 80-year-old man in Florida went to his doctor to have a bulge on his eyelid examined. Tests showed that the bump

Apr 20 , 2019 | By: admin
Keywords: adipocyteadipose, tissue, cancer

Fat Tissue Can Help Cancer Cells Proliferate, Metastasize

J. Huang et al., Adipocyte p62/SQSTM1 suppresses tumorigenesis through opposite regulations of metabolism in adipose tissue and tumor, Cancer Cell, 33:77084, 2018. Obesity is second only

Apr 20 , 2019 | By: admin
Keywords: cancer, immunotherapy

More Cancer Mutations, Better Immunotherapy Outcomes

The number of mutations in a tumors genome may predict how well a patient will benefit from treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors, drugs that take

Apr 04 , 2023 | By: admin
Keywords: Collaboration

The Indonesian Ministry of Health and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Establish Collaboration to Overcome Cancer

The Indonesian Ministry of Health and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Establish Collaboration to Overcome Cancer The Indonesian Ministry of Health is collaborating

Oct 30 , 2023 | By: admin
Keywords: The National Cancer Institute or Institut Kanser Negara

Institut Kanser Negara (IKN) of Malaysia celebrated our 10th anniversary

The National Cancer Institute or Institut Kanser Negara (IKN) of Malaysia is delighted to announce that we celebrated our 10th anniversary in September 2023. The

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